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We will share our decades of knowledge, skills, experiences, stories as well as others to empower individuals in their journey!

Today, more than ever, we are all looking for our tribe. We all need love, support, understanding and encouragement. Join us..

Join Our Community

We are all creators! Learn to create utilizing sacred geometry, sacred energies, rhythms, alchemical processes to tap into divine powers.

Personal connection through experiences are priceless! There are many looking to connect with others. We will have amazing adventures!

What is Sacred Energy Creations?

Sacred Energy is all about RESONANCE. Once you understand the basic concepts of resonance and what you want to resonate with, the rest of the journey becomes an amazing self awareness expereience! This is a journey into personal growth!

This is not just another website but we feel it is a Portal we seeded with our intention to connect people together. Our mission is to create a new Culture of people who look at everything around them with new eyes and have the power to know, test and utilize things that will add beneficial energies into their life while avoiding those that take away energies or deplete energies.

Our goal is to create a profound shift in your life!  These transformations are based on empowerment and individuality! Each person is unique in their journey! We all have challenges and obstacles through which we learn and become "experienced" to move on to a new level of awareness. During this time, a supportive community is key.

Did you know a lot of what we are told is nothing more than a Market hype? How do you choose who to believe? We were in the same boat! We bought into the market hype and believed certain things until we discovered they were just a marketing hype. We chose to create a sacred site with the hopes of attracting those who are looking to spread and expand the sacred energies we are all a part of.

Our goal is to make you aware of these amazing energies and how they can be utilized on daily basis. You no longer have to buy into the marketing hypes! You can learn to tap into these energies easily yourself and test what is good for you at this time and what is not. How timing can impact energy flow. How your unique energy systems work and how you can optimize these energies. As we discover even more ways to RESONATE with divine energies in our daily lives, we will start to transform the world. You will start to experience immediate shifts in your life. 

In the Ancient times, this kind of information was coveted. It was only passed down to those who showed pure heart, passion and dedication. They knew the powers of these energies and how it impacts everything we do every single day! When you look at how centuries old items have survived and thrived in situations where our creations crumble and create nothing but deadly landfills. We can learn a lot from the Ancients if we choose to look! Sacred Geometry and Sacred Energies are all around us every single day. The Divine energy is in all of us! Everything on this earth is connected to the divine! 

How we're different

We are part of it. Our goal with Sacred Energy creations is to Inform, Educate and Empower individuals to tap into these energies on daily basis, in their homes, in the products they use and even how to tap into powerful thoughts to manifest their dream life! So join us if this resonates with you. We are creating a FAMILY of Sacred Energy Creators and be part of our community! Let's create a positive, thriving, loving community where all of us can thrive! 

Some topics we'll cover:

Divine Connections

Unravel the mysteries of life's invisible threads with us! We're diving deep into the realm of Divine Connections—exploring the spark within us, the power of our minds, and the subtle energies connecting us all. Whether you name it God, Allah, or the Universe, we're all part of a cosmic web. Join us as we discover and harness this power through quick videos and insightful guides. Ready to explore? Welcome to the world of Divine Connections!

Crystals, Stones, & Minerals

Delve into the world of Earth's glittering treasures with us. Crystals, Stones, and Minerals are gifts from Mother Earth herself—each with their unique features, formations, and purposes. They are reservoirs of sacred energy waiting to be harnessed. Understanding their energetic properties allows us to create healthy environments, empowering talismans, and products radiating with positive vibes. Get ready to learn how to effectively harness their power through our detailed guides and fascinating videos. Embark on this sparkly journey today!

Plants, Herbs, & Flowers

Discover the potent magic hidden within nature's own pharmacy. Our journey together will unearth the ancient wisdom of plant medicine, illuminating the healing, harmony, and holistic wellness each leaf, petal, and stem can offer. With us, you'll learn to tap into these vibrant energies for your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. Grow your understanding of earth's green treasures and learn to create your own blends for wellness, manifestation, and more. Unlock the mystery, embrace the energy, and let nature guide your path to a more balanced life.

Sacred Geometry & Design

 Dive into the heart of the universe’s blueprint with us. Recognize the secret codes hidden within nature, in the symmetry of a snowflake, the spiral of a galaxy, the pattern of a sunflower. These divine patterns, these sacred geometries, are echoed throughout the cosmos, signaling a deeper connection between us and the universe. Alongside this, experience the transformative power of color therapy, or Chromatherapy. Unravel the way colors impact our mood, health, and spirit. With us, decode the secrets, design your space with intention, and truly connect with the rhythm of the universe.

Sacred Architecture & Buildings

Travel with us through time and across cultures, exploring structures that hum with sacred energy. From the delicate intricacies of temples to the awe-inspiring grandeur of cathedrals and mosques, each architectural masterpiece is a testament to the power of natural materials and geometric design. These structures have harnessed the secrets of sacred geometry, creating places of power and peace that transcend time and space. Explore the convergence of architecture and energy, and learn how to imbue your own space with this timeless wisdom.

Sacred Adventures

Embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and personal growth with our sacred adventures! Whether it's attending enlightening workshops, embarking on spiritual trips, or participating in community experiences, each adventure promises to enrich your spirit and deepen your understanding of sacred energies. Connect with like-minded souls as we explore the wonders of the world together. Pack your curiosity and join us for unforgettable sacred adventures!

Rhythms of Nature

Dive into the harmonious dance of life's cycles and rhythms, from the vast cosmos to our own cells. Explore the fascinating world of astrology, marvel at the changing moon phases, understand Earth's cycles, and discover the rhythms within our own bodies. Understanding these patterns helps us align with nature's rhythm, fostering a deep connection with the universe and our place within it. Embark on this rhythmic journey to enrich your understanding of life's natural flow.

Essential Oils

Imagine capturing the powerful essence of plants, herbs, and flowers, and condensing it into a form that can positively impact our very DNA. That's the magic of essential oils. Recognized and utilized across all religions and belief systems, these potent elixirs can bring profound change when used correctly. Unlock the ancient wisdom of essential oils and explore their transformative effects on mind, body, and spirit. Your journey towards holistic wellness starts here.

Rituals, Altars, Temples and more..

Step into the world of creating your very own sacred spaces. From altars to temples, we guide you through the process of designing spaces that serve as your personal connection to the divine. These sanctuaries can serve as conduits to higher energy fields, bringing peace, clarity, and harmony into your life. Discover how to harness the power of intentional spaces and elevate your spiritual journey to new heights. Welcome to a world where the divine feels just a breath away.

Sacred Homes

Imagine transforming your home into a divine temple filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. With our guidance, you'll learn how to understand and navigate the invisible energies within your space, turning your home into a personal healing center. It's not just about you - these energies also impact your loved ones and pets. Delve into the world of creating sacred homes, where every corner radiates positivity, healing, and harmony. Turn your living space into a sanctuary that nourishes the soul.

Sacred Products

Welcome to a world of beautifully crafted items designed to radiate positive, healing energies. Our Sacred Energy Products range from stunning handcrafted pieces to unique creations inspired by the natural world. Each product is thoughtfully crafted with intention, harnessing the power of natural energies to enhance your wellness journey. Be it a calming crystal pendant or a rejuvenating essential oil blend, our products are more than just items; they're tools to help you connect deeper with the world's sacred energies. We aspire to collaborate with like-minded artisans in the future, amplifying our collection with their unique crafts. Discover a product that resonates with you and becomes a part of your spiritual practice.


Imagine an enchanting fusion of herbs, spices, and organic elements, all carefully crafted to form a delicious and health-enhancing concoction. That's precisely the magical realm of elixirs we're excited to explore! We're in the planning phase of crafting a range of elixirs - from immunity-strengthening wellness shots to soothing bedtime brews, each holding the promise of holistic health and vibrant energy levels. Stay tuned as we venture into the bountiful world of nature's pharmacy and delve into the profound benefits of these captivating mixtures. Together, we'll stir, sip, and savor our pathway to dynamic health and well-being!

We believe in the Divine power and our connection to this divine power. No matter what your belief may be, we respect to each persons spiritual journey as they discover what resonates with them to bring them love, joy, and a sense of connection. Our mission is to spread love and connection by focusing on the positive energies that we create and are all around us. Nature has its own language! If we stop and notice the patterns, cycles, rhythms, changes, we start to expand our awareness which is the first step! We will share with you how you can tap into these in your own terms and allow yourself to have a unique spiritual journey to bring you love, happiness, health and community!  We can work together to transform the world! Share our experiences and understand the powers we possess!

Calling all CREATORS!

At Sacred Energy Creations, our passion is to weave together a community that gathers crystal enthusiasts, artists, energy practitioners and anyone drawn to spiritual exploration. We're cultivating a vibrant, shared space for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and stories spanning an array of fascinating topics.

From personal wellness to enhancing your living space with energy-aware decor, to gaining new insights into our pets' lives, we aim to be your go-to resource for crystal-related wisdom, products, and courses.

But we're also looking beyond the virtual. Our Adventures & Retreats bring our community to life, enabling us to connect, learn, and grow together in some of the most inspiring settings. And if you're new to this spiritual journey, don't fret. We're committed to making your transition seamless and enjoyable.

Welcome to Sacred Energy Creations - your gateway to a vibrant community, enriching experiences, and the wonders of spiritual growth!

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